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2 Kings 23:26

2 Kings 23:26 (ESV): “26 Still the Lord did not turn from the burning of his great wrath, by which his anger was kindled against Judah, because of all the provocations with which Manasseh had provoked him.”

The Lord is good!  His goodness is a reflection of His character.  Thus, God is good regardless of how He chooses to act on behalf of our repentance.  Whether or not He removes consequences for our sins doesn't determine His goodness.  He is good because He is God.

After hearing the Law, King Josiah made a covenant before the Lord.  He promised to walk after Him with all his heart, soul, and strength.  He also vowed to keep his commandments, testimonies, and statutes. All the people of Judah joined him in the covenant. Yet, the Lord did not turn from His wrath towards Judah.  He forgave them, but there were still consequences for their waywardness.

What if America repented and God still did not turn from His wrath because of our provocations?  Would you still consider God to be good?  Perhaps He will use our disobedience to fulfill prophecy or as a teaching opportunity.  Regardless, God’s goodness isn't determined by His response to our personal or national repentance.  He is good because He is God.  Thus, repent and rest in His forgiveness.  If He chooses to relent from His wrath upon our nation then great!  If not, He is still good.  Amen?

Father, we thank You for allowing us to repent of our sins.  We also thank You for the substitutionary atonement of Your Son who took the wrath on our behalf. You are good no matter how You decide to respond to our repentance.  We are Yours, so have Your way.  In Jesus name, amen.

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