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Joshua 6:18

Joshua 6:18 (ESV): “18 But you, keep yourselves from the things devoted to destruction, lest when you have devoted them you take any of the devoted things and make the camp of Israel a thing for destruction and bring trouble upon it.”

Honoring the Word of the Lord is the path to blessedness. It’s tempting to violate His will for a temporary trinket. In the end, it will only bring trouble and destruction. Do the right thing by walking in step with His Word!

The Lord instructed Joshua to march around Jericho one time for six days. On the seventh day, they were to march around the walls seven times, then the priests were to blow their horns and the people were to shout. This is how the walls of Jericho fell. Everything in the city was to be devoted to the Lord for destruction. The only survivors would be Rehab and all within her house. The people were strictly warned not to keep anything devoted to God lest they bring destruction and trouble to the camp.

Are you in possession of something that was to be devoted to the Lord? This is a sign of idolatry to hold on or take back something that belongs to God. It will bring much heartache and trouble in our lives. The Lord isn't interested in the item but in our obedience. He wants us to walk in freedom with no chains. If you have something devoted to God come clean today. Repent and give it back to God. You will be far more blessed if you obey! Amen?

Father, we thank You for reminding us of the blessedness of obedience. Keep our hearts from desiring the devoted things. May we choose to honor Your Word and live the blessed life we pray in Jesus' name, amen.

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