Psalm 80:3 (ESV): “3 Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved!”
God is our Deliverer and Savior, both physically and spiritually. He restores us from the oppression of sin and our own foolish deeds. We look to God and God alone to do these things. However, He often uses men to accomplish His plans.
The psalmist here cries out for restoration from the oppression of the Assyrians against the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Captivity was imminent, and the people of God could feel it. They sought the Lord to be merciful and forgiving—to save them not only from their enemies but also from themselves. This captivity would not have occurred if the people had been true to God. Yet the Lord, in His mercy, delivered and saved them through a type of Christ: the Persian King Cyrus. He became an instrument of salvation for the people of Israel. God hears and answers the cries of His people in His way and on His timetable.
Did you know that God is still at work to deliver, save, and restore? America experienced this as a nation yesterday. The Lord heard the cries of His people, and He has answered. Like Cyrus, God will use the 47th President of the United States to deliver us from the oppressive actions of the satanic agenda that has plagued the last four years. He is not the Savior but a type of Christ! Take heart, Christian. God is on the throne, and He will use WHOMEVER He chooses to accomplish His purposes. Amen?
Father, we thank You for being gracious to our country. We ask that You guide our President and his cabinet to accomplish Your purposes. We know we are on borrowed time, so embolden Your Church to be witnesses in this moment, that lost people may come to Christ. We pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.