Psalm 94:18–19 (ESV): “18 When I thought, “My foot slips, your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. 19 When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.”
Life can feel overwhelming at times to the point that we can feel like we are slipping. Don’t despise those days for as J. Hudson Taylor said it, “All our difficulties are platforms for the manifestations of His grace, power and love.” Grow me, Lord!
The psalmist writes here about the cares of his heart. I know that feeling well—the endless loop of thoughts and anxieties that threaten to steal my peace. Yet it’s God’s consolations, His tender reminders of who He is and what He promises, that lift my spirit. He doesn’t always remove the storm, but He meets me in it with His presence and peace.
Today, I encourage you to remember that you don’t have to steady yourself. God’s love is the only sure footing we need. When our hearts are weighed down, we can turn to Him, trusting that His consolations will cheer our souls. All we need to do is lean into Him and receive the peace He freely offers.
Lord, thank You for Your steadfast love that holds us up when we feel weak and unsteady. When our hearts overwhelmed, remind us of Your promises and comfort us with Your peace we pray in Jesus name, amen.