1 Kings 17:24 (ESV): 24 And the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth.”
What must we see to recognize God’s anointing upon a person? Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruit.” Just observe and you will see clearly.
After some time in Sidon, Zaraphath’s son became ill and died. She blamed Elijah for bringing this to her home. She quickly forgot how the Lord provided bread continually from the handful of flour and oil she had. Elijah asked for her son and he laid him on his bed. He then cried out to God praying, “Please let his soul return.” He then laid on the boy three times God resuscitated him. It's the first time we see this miracle occur in Scripture. Zarephath was happy and now knew Elijah was a man of God.
How much evidence is enough? What things must you see to know whether or not a person is anointed? In the Old Covenant, it was by way of miracles. In the New Covenant, it is by way of our spirits bearing witness with the Spirit of God. We will know that a person is of God, by way of the Spirit of God. Their fruit too, but mainly by the Spirit of God(Rom 8:16). May we stop looking and start discerning. So let the Spirit bear witness. Amen?
Father, we thank You that we have all that we need for life and godliness. Give us discernment to test the spirits, Lord. We don't need to see more. We rest in Your Spirit, in Jesus' name we pray, amen.