Deuteronomy 22:5 (ESV): “5 “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.”
The Creator of the world made men and women for His purposes. He never makes mistakes! When we go against His design we are rebelling against His authority. Beware of the reality that feelings lie. Be submissive to the Word and honor God.
In ancient Israel, there were issues of gender dysphoria. Men were dressing like women and women were like men. Much of this was done in the vein of pagan worship. The false Canaanite goddess Astarte was worshiped in this manner. She was the false goddess of sexual love and fertility. She was also associated with war. God warned His children not to worship the false gods of those inhabiting the land lest they become an abomination before Him.
How should we minister to a transgender world? We must build relationships with those who are deceived so we have the right to speak the truth in their lives. We should also actively stand up against policies that are propagating this deception. Our young people are impressionable. We must stand in the gap and pray for them. This world is fading quickly. Don't bury your head in the sand. Stand up against evil legislation and get on your knees for those who are deceived. Both are crucial, amen?
Father, we pray for holy vengeance against those who are deceiving our young people. We ask that You speak to the hearts of every person struggling with their gender. Show them who You’ve created them to be. Help them sense that they are loved not only by You but by those around them. Defeat the enemy with Your truth we pray in Jesus' name, amen.