Psalm 8:1 (ESV): “1 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.”
The Lord is the epitome of greatness. His glory shines throughout all of His creation. This infinite God desires to be known and represented by finite man. His glory shines through our hearts into a dark and dying world. What an amazing truth!
David begins by declaring that God is LORD (Yahweh), meaning He is the sovereign God over all creation. He is also our Lord (adon), which means ruler or master over man. David makes it clear that God is to be both our LORD and Lord. He goes on to declare the majesty and glory of God. David is in awe that God would choose to use “the babes of the earth” (the weak) to make known the wonders of His glory. This is made known by him asking the question, “What is man that You are mindful of him?” In light of who God is, why would He want to be known and represented by us? The answer is to further reveal His greatness and glory!
Did you know that God is not only your LORD, but also Lord? He is the sovereign ruler over all and to be the ruler over our hearts. When we fall in line with who God has designed us to be, He will be rightly seen in and through our lives. Take a moment today and acknowledge God as the sovereign King of the universe. Stand in awe of His majesty and glory. Then ask yourself, is He really the ruler of my life? It will change your day. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up! Amen?
Father, You are both LORD and Lord of our lives. We want to acknowledge You as such today. Take our lives and use them to reveal Your majesty and glory before the rest of the world. Be glorified, we pray in Jesus' name, amen.