Psalm 88:18 (ESV): “18 You have caused my beloved and my friend to shun me; my companions have become darkness.”
Being real with God is the best practice. He can handle how you feel in any given season of life. We can vent and complain to Him, as long as we also give Him an opportunity to respond. Somehow, when we do, He always helps us come to our senses.
Psalm 88 is often considered the saddest song in all the psalms. Its author, Heman the Ezrahite, pens a heartfelt prayer to God during a difficult season. He recounts his life, full of despair, fear, sin, and sorrow. Shunned by all, he declares that his only friend is darkness. Paul Simon could relate to this sentiment when he wrote The Sound of Silence—where darkness seemed his closest companion.
Have you ever felt this way? Perhaps you’re in a season right now where you feel abandoned by God. Do you feel forsaken by all? Is darkness your closest companion? Tell God everything. He wants to hear it. But don’t stop there—give Him a chance to respond to your feelings.
What you’ll find is that, at the end of the day, He has never left you. God never promised life would be easy, but He did promise to be with us. So, look up and fix your gaze on Jesus. He is with you, and He will never leave you. You can trust Him. Tell Him how you feel, but don’t forget to listen for His response. Amen?
Father, show us that You are always present in every season of our lives. Give us faith to trust You and endurance to persevere through the difficult times. May You receive all the glory. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.