Psalm 30:11–12 (ESV): 11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, 12 that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!
The Lord is the master of turning sadness into gladness. He can take the most hopeless situation and use it for our good. We will forever sing of His ability to turn our frowns upside down.
David was a man who knew much sadness. He experienced great glory in his life, but he also endured days of intense sorrow. Yet, when David looked back on his life, he saw something extraordinary: God was able to take his most grievous moments and use them for David’s good. David speaks of God turning his mourning into dancing and his sadness into gladness. For all eternity, David will rejoice because God is faithful to work all things together for the good of those who love Him.
Are you feeling sad today? God can turn your sorrow into dancing and your sadness into gladness—if you let Him. He won’t force you, and He will allow you to remain in your misery if you choose. But He longs for so much more for you. You may be facing incredibly painful circumstances, but God can bring healing and peace to your heart if you allow Him to. While your circumstances may not change, how you experience them will—if you let the Lord work. Offer your heart to Him now, and watch how He can transform your sadness into joy.
Father, we thank You for ministering to us in our pain. You know our circumstances better than we do. Take over, Lord, and train our hearts to rejoice no matter what we’re going through. Bring healing to our hurts, even now, we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.